20 things to get rid of before you move
If you’re considering a spring home sale, now’s the time to start preparing. One of your first steps should be decluttering, because a clutter-free space creates a sense of light, openness, and possibility for potential buyers. Here are 20 items to consider ditching before your home hits the market.
20 things to get rid of before you move
We know decluttering can feel overwhelming, especially if you’ve been in your home for a long time. Since you’re starting early, give yourself some grace and work through this list one category at a time.
1. Unused appliances: It’s time to say goodbye to that bread maker collecting dust or the popcorn popper used once five years ago.
2. Old or is matched kitchenware: Cracked mugs, chipped plates, and mismatched cutlery sets create a visually cluttered feel. The good news is you can find very cheap replacements at Kmart for your new home.
3. Expired spices and condiments: Remove all expired items from the pantry and fridge.
4. Single-use gadgets: Spiralizers and avocado slicers might have seemed like good ideas at the time, but consider whether they’re taking up valuable real estate.
Drop off working appliances and mismatched kitchenware at your local op shop or the Bower Reuse and Repair Centre.
5. Empty or expired beauty products: Dried-up mascara wands and ancient bottles of body lotion don’t exactly scream “spa retreat.” Recycle empty beauty products at your local Priceline.
6. Old towels: Faded towels and daggy shower curtains won’t impress buyers, so invest in a fresh set that enhances your bathroom’s look.
7. Expired medications: Safety first! Check out this guide to learn how to safely dispose of any expired or unwanted medications.
Living area
8. Unnecessary furniture: Does that bulky recliner spark joy? If not, consider selling it on Facebook Marketplace or donating it for a more spacious feel.
9. Stacks of old magazines: Many families are guilty of these stacks, but they add unnecessary visual clutter. Recycle them or consider digitising them for future reference.
10. Overstuffed bookshelves: A curated selection of books looks great, but overflowing shelves don’t. Donate or sell some of your collection.
11. Knick-knacks: While a few personal touches are nice, too many knick-knacks or mementos create a cluttered look. Pack them away for your new home.
12. Clothes and accessories you never wear: Be honest with yourself and donate or sell clothes that no longer fit or reflect your current style.
13. Out-of-season clothing: For example, pack away winter woollies if you’re selling in spring to create a feeling of spaciousness and organisation.
14. Broken or unused tools: Holding onto a rusty wrench “just in case” isn’t helping anyone. Drop unused tools at the Bower Reuse and Repair Centre.
15. Old paint and cleaning products: These can be hazardous and should be disposed of properly at the Northern Sydney Community Recycling Centre.
16. Unused outdoor gear: If you have an inflatable pool gathering dust, let it go.
Miscellaneous household items
17. Personal photos and children’s artwork: Extensive artwork or photo displays can inhibit buyers from visualising their own family in your space. Place treasured artwork in a folder for safekeeping and pack away personal belongings.
18. Receipts and bills: File important documents securely and shred the rest.
19. Old electronics: Bulky old TVs, phones, and VCRs are relics of the past. Recycle them responsibly at your local Community Recycling Centre.
20. Cords and cables: A tangled mess of cords detracts from a room’s clean lines.
Planning a spring sale? Give us a call
Now you know what to get rid of before moving, it’s time to call in the professionals at Home Property Agents to sell your home.